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Language Internationalization

To help manage a multi-language build is it kind to provide human translators with an example document to start from.


The mkdocs-static-i18n <> plugin is setup based on suffix, with is the default English, and used for French:

+ img/
  | figure.png

The configuration of mkdocs-static-i18n is represented in mkdocs.yml using:

  - i18n:
      docs_structure: suffix
      reconfigure_material: true
        - locale: en
          default: true
          name: English
        - locale: fr
          name: Français
          site_name: 'Aide en ligne'
            Home: Accueil
            Search: Recherche

Language Translation

Translation uses pandoc to convert to html, and then using Deepl REST API.

  1. Provide environmental variable with Deepl authentication key:

    export DEEPL_AUTH="xxxxxxxx-xxx-...-xxxxx:fx"
  2. Translate a document to french using pandoc and deepl:

    mkdocs_translate french docs/help/
  3. To translate several documents in a folder:

    mkdocs_translate french docs/overview/*.md
  4. See mkdocs_translate french --help for more options.


Keep in mind the following limitations:

  • Deepl charges by the character so bulk translation not advisable.
  • You are welcome to use google translate, ChatGPT, or Deepl directly - keeping in mind markdown formatting may be lost.
  • Please see the writing guide for what mkdocs functionality is supported.

Specific pandoc extensions are used to match the capabilities of mkdocs:

markdown extension pandoc extension
tables pymdownx.keys pipe_tables
pymdownx.superfences backtick_code_blocks
admonition fenced_divs

The differences differences in markdown requires pre/post processing of markdown and html files. These steps are automated in the mkddoc_translate, supporting additionalmkdocs features requires updating this script.