Search records
GeoNetwork is catalog lists records of available datasets.
Search Catalogue
Enter the desired keywords and search terms into the Search field at the top of the page and press the Search button (or use the Enter key), to list search results.
Search field
Search for complete words.
Use Search field to enter:
Search results for Ocean
Search using the wildcard
to match the start or end of word. Keep in mind the entire record contents is searched, not only the titles and description.Use Search field to enter:
Search for start of a word
The wildcard
can also be used multiple times to match part of a word.Use Search field to enter:
Search for part of a word
Filtering and exploring search results is described below.
Browse Catalogue
Navigate to My Geonetwork catalogue to browse records. In a production system the catalogue name and logo will match your organisation or project team.
The catalog page can be explored using the quick lists of:
- Latest news: recently updated records
- Most popular: frequently used records
- Comments: records with new comments and discussion
Latest news
Records are displayed as a block list, large list, or small list using the toggle on the right.
Click on any of the listed records to view.
Large list display of records
The catalog page provides a number of quick searches to browse catalog contents:
- Use Browse by Topics to explore records based on subject matter.
- Use Browse by Resources to explore different kinds of content.
Each option lists "search facets" (shown as small bubbles), click on a "search facet" such as
to explore.Browse metadata catalogue
Search Results
To further explore listed records:
Navigate to the Search page (or browse or search the catalogue to list search results).
Search page
Use the Filter section on the right hand side to refine search results using additional search facets, keywords, and details such as download format.
Click on the "search facet"
to filter the search results to matching records.Filter results
Options are provided at the top of the search results to:
- Presentation of matching records (as a Grid or List)
- Sort the results
- Manage how many results are shown per page
- Advance to additional pages of results
- Quickly select records
Browse results
To clear the search results use Clear current search query, filters, and sorts at any time. This button is located in the Search field at the top of the page.
The Advanced search options are located in the Search field at the top of the page.
These options can be used to further refine search results by category, keywords, contact or date range.
Advanced search options
Open the Advanced search options panel.
Use the drop down menu for Records created in the last to select
this week
. This acts as a short cut to fill in the From and To calendar fields.Press the Search button to filter using this date range.
Record updated in the last week
To search for data in the year
use the advanced search options to fill Resources created in the last in:- From
- To
Press Search button to show data from
.Resource updated in 2016
The Resource date filter shows records with data identification (creation, publication, revision) dates included within the calendar date range.
A slide out map is provided at the bottom of the page, providing visual feedback on the extent of each record.
Search map
The map can be controlled by by toggling beween two modes:
Pan: Click and drag the map location, using the mouse wheel to adjust zoom level.
Bounding Box: Hold Shift and click and drag to define an extent used to filter records.
The drop down controls if the extent is used to list only records that are withing, or all records that intersect.
Search bounding box intersects
Records are selected (using the checkbox located next to each one) to quickly download or generate a PDF of one or more records.
Selected Records
Additional tips and tricks with search results:
- Details on
selecting multiple records and exporting
as a
. - Editors have additional options to edit and manage records.
- Details on
selecting multiple records and exporting
as a