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An SLD document contains a sequence of layer definitions indicating the layers to be styled. Each layer definition is either a NamedLayer reference or a supplied UserLayer.


A NamedLayer specifies an existing layer to be styled, and the styling to apply to it. The styling may be any combination of catalog styles and explicitly-defined styles. If no style is specified, the default style for the layer is used.

The <NamedLayer> element contains the following elements:






The name of the layer to be styled. (Ignored in catalog styles.)



The description for the layer.



The name of a catalog style to apply to the layer.



The definition of a style to apply to the layer. See Styles


A UserLayer defines a new layer to be styled, and the styling to apply to it. The data for the layer is provided directly in the layer definition using the <InlineFeature> element. Since the layer is not known to the server, the styling must be explicitly specified as well.

The <UserLayer> element contains the following elements:

Tag Required? Description
<Name> No The name for the layer being defined
<Description> No The description for the layer
<InlineFeature> No One or more feature collections providing the layer data, specified using GML.
<UserStyle> 1..N The definition of the style(s) to use for the layer. See Styles

A common use is to define a geometry to be rendered to indicate an Area Of Interest.


An InlineFeature element contains data defining a layer to be styled. The element contains one or more <FeatureCollection> elements defining the data. Each Feature Collection can contain any number of <featureMember> elements, each containing a feature specified using GML markup. The features can contain any type of geometry (point, line or polygon, and collections of these). They may also contain scalar-valued attributes, which can be useful for labelling.


The following style specifies a named layer using the default style, and a user-defined layer with inline data and styling. It displays the US States layer, with a labelled red box surrounding the Pacific NW.

<sld:StyledLayerDescriptor xmlns:xsi=""
   xsi:schemaLocation=" StyledLayerDescriptor.xsd"
   xmlns:gml="" xmlns:ogc=""
   xmlns:sld="" version="1.0.0">
           -127.0,51.0 -110.0,51.0 -110.0,41.0 -127.0,41.0 -127.0,51.0   
                <title>Pacific NW </title>
                  <CssParameter name="stroke">#FF0000</CssParameter>
                  <CssParameter name="stroke-width">2</CssParameter>
                  <sld:CssParameter name="fill">#FF0000</sld:CssParameter>