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A coverage is a raster data set which originates from a coverage store.


JC: "The second level headings [don't] work so well for the longer paths - maybe another heading format?"


Controls all coverages in a given coverage store and workspace.

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format
GET List all coverages in coverage store cs 200 HTML, XML, JSON HTML
POST Create a new coverage 201 with Location header XML, JSON
PUT 405


Controls a particular coverage in a given coverage store and workspace.

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format Parameters
GET Return coverage c 200 HTML, XML, JSON HTML quietOnNotFound
POST 405
PUT Modify coverage c 200 XML,JSON
DELETE Delete coverage c 200 recurse


Exception Status code
GET for a coverage that does not exist 404
PUT that changes name of coverage 403
PUT that changes coverage store of coverage 403



The recurse parameter recursively deletes all layers referenced by the specified coverage. Permitted values for this parameter are "true" or "false". The default value is "false".


The quietOnNotFound parameter avoids to log an Exception when the coverage is not present. Note that 404 status code will be returned anyway.

Structured coverages

Structured coverages are the ones whose content is made of granules, normally associated to attributes, often used to represent time, elevation and other custom dimensions attached to the granules themselves. Image mosaic is an example of a writable structured coverage reader, in which each of the mosaic granules is associated with attributes. NetCDF is an example of a read only one, in which the multidimensional grid contained in the file is exposed as a set of 2D slices, each associated with a different set of variable values.

The following API applies exclusively to structured coverage readers.


Declares the set of attributes associated to the specified coverage, their name, type and min/max occurrences.

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format Parameters
GET Returns the attributes, their names and their types 200 XML, JSON XML
POST 405
PUT 405


Returns the full list of granules, each with its attributes vales and geometry, and allows to selectively remove them

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format Parameters
GET Returns the list of granules and their attributes, either in GML (when XML is used) or GeoJSON (when JSON is used) 200 XML, JSON XML offset, limit, filter
POST 405
PUT 405
DELETE Deletes the granules (all, or just the ones selected via the filter parameter) 200 filter



The offset parameter instructs GeoServer to skip the specified number of first granules when returning the data.


The limit parameter instructs GeoServer to return at most the specified number of granules when returning the data.


The filter parameter is a CQL filter that allows to select which granules will be returned based on their attribute values.


Returns a single granule and allows for its removal.

Method Action Status code Formats Default Format Parameters
GET Returns the specified of granules and its attributes, either in GML (when XML is used) or GeoJSON (when JSON is used) 200 XML, JSON XML quietOnNotFound
POST 405
PUT 405
DELETE Deletes the granule 200


Exception Status code
GET for a granule that does not exist 404



The quietOnNotFound parameter avoids to log an Exception when the granule is not present. Note that 404 status code will be returned anyway.