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Data Reference

The following is a list of all the attributes of a request that are captured by the monitor extension.


Attribute Description Type
ID Numeric identifier of the request. Every request is assigned an identifier upon its creation. Numeric
Status Status of the request. See notes below. String
Category The type of request being made, for example an OGC service request, a REST call, etc... See notes below. String
Start time The time of the start of the request. Timestamp
End time The time of the completion of the request. Timestamp
Total time The total time spent handling the request, measured in milliseconds, equal to the end time - start time. Numeric
Error message The exception message if the request failed or resulted in an error. String
Error The raw exception if the message failed or resulted in an error. Text blob


The status of a request changes over it's life cycle and may have one of the following values:

  • WAITING - The request has been received by the server, but is queued and not yet being actively handled.
  • RUNNING - The request is in the process of being handled by the server.
  • FINISHED - The request has been completed and finished normally.
  • FAILED - The request has been completed but resulted in an error.
  • CANCELLED - The request was cancelled before it could complete.
  • INTERRUPTED - The request was interrupted before it could complete.


Requests are grouped into categories that describe the nature or type of the request. The following are the list of all categories:

  • OWS - The request is an OGC service request.
  • REST - The request is a REST service request.
  • OTHER - All other requests.


The following attributes are all HTTP related.

Attribute Description Type
HTTP method The HTTP method, one of GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE String
Remote address The IP address of the client from which the request originated. String
Remote host The hostname corresponding to the remote address, obtained via reverse DNS lookup. String
Host The hostname of the server handling the request, from the point of view of the client. String
Internal host The hostname of the server handling request, from the point of view of the local network. Availability depends on host and network configuration. String
Path The path component of the request URL, for example: "/wms", "/rest/workspaces.xml", etc... String
Query string The query string component of the request URL. Typically only present when the HTTP method is GET. String
Body The body content of the request. Typically only present when the HTTP method is PUT or POST. Binary blob
Body content length The total number of bytes comprising the body of the request. Typically only present when the HTTP method is PUT or POST. Numeric
Body content type The mime type of the body content of the request, for example: "application/json", "text/xml; subtype=gml/3.2", etc... Typically only present when the HTTP method is PUT or POST. String
Response status The HTTP response code, for example: 200, 401, etc... Numeric
Response length The total number of bytes comprising the response to the request. Numeric
Response content type The mime type of the response to the request. String
Remote user The username specified parsed of the request. Only available when request included credentials for authentication. String
Remote user agent The value of the User-Agent HTTP header. String
Http referrer The value of the Referer HTTP header. String


The following attributes are OGC service specific.

Attribute Description Type
Service The OGC service identifier, for example: "WMS", "WFS", etc... String
Operation The OGC operation name, for example: "GetMap", "GetFeature", etc... String
Sub operation The ogc sub operation (if it applies). For instance when the operation is a WFS Transaction the sub operation may be one of "Insert", "Update", etc... String
OWS/OGC Version The OGC service version, for example with WFS the version may be "1.0.0", "1.1.0", etc... String
Resources Names of resources (layers, processes, etc...) specified as part of the request. List of String
Resources processing times in milliseconds. Rendering times for resources. Rendering is performed by two concurrent threads, one reading and preprocessing data and styles towards a Java2D compatible format, the other painting the results of the first on the canvas. When the first thread starts reading the next layer, the second thread is likely still painting features from the layer before it, thus, times in this list are overlapping with each other, and the sum will be greater than the actual wall rendering time. List of Numeric
Labels Processing Time Processing time in milliseconds for the labels of all resources listed. Numeric
Bounding box The bounding box specified as part of the request. In some cases this is not possible to obtain this reliable, an example being a complex WFS query with a nested "BBOX" filter. List of Numeric


The following attributes are specific to GeoIP look ups and are not captured out of the box. See GeoIP for more details.

Attribute Description Type
Remote country Name of the country of the client from which the request originated. String
Remote city Name of the city from which the request originated. String
Remote lat The latitude from which the request originated. Numeric
Remote lon The longitude from which the request originated. Numeric


The following attributes are specific to tile cached requests.

Attribute Description Type
CacheResult "HIT" or "MISS" (can be empty if GWC was not involved) String
MissReason A description of why the cache was not used. Available only on requests hitting a cached layer on direct WMS integration, applies to cases where the request was not forwarded to GWC, for example "no parameter filter exists for FEATUREID", "request does not align to grid(s) "EPSG:4326" or "not a tile layer". Will be missing for any request not hitting the direct integration (e.g., direct WMTS requests, for example) String