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Using the GeoPackage Output Extension

The GeoPackage Output Extension adds support to WFS and WMS to request GetFeature and GetMap results in GeoPackage Format.


Add &outputFormat=geopkg to your request. The result will be a GeoPackage (MIME type application/geopackage+sqlite3) containing the requested features.

curl "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wfs?service=wfs&version=2.0.0&request=GetFeature&typeNames=ws:layername&outputFormat=geopkg" \
-o wfs.gpkg

You can use geopkg, geopackage, or gpkg as the output format in the request. Use 1.0.0, 1.1.0, or 2.0.0 as version= to specify which WFS version to use.


GeoPackages always have the ordinates in X,Y (EAST_NORTH) format.

WFS Output Configuration

GeoPackage output format configuration properties are available. For information on use of configuration properties see running in a production environment instructions.


By default a spatial index is generated when generating GeoPackage output.

Use java system property -Dgeopackage.wfs.indexed=false to suppress the generation of a spatial index in generated geopackage output.


The GeoPackage file format is an SQLite database which can only be managed as a file locally. To produce a GeoPackage GeoServer makes use of a temporary file created in location. This temporary file is removed once the response is completed.

Some container environments recommend use of a network share for their location. This approach is not compatible with SQLite database driver which requires a local disk location and file lock.

To override the temporary file location used for GeoPackage output format file generation use property -Dgeopackage.wfs.tempdir=<path location> to provide an alternate path.


Add &format=geopkg to your request. The result will be a GeoPackage (MIME type application/geopackage+sqlite3) containing the requested tiles.

Using WMS 1.1.0 to access tiled image geopkg:

curl "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.1.0&request=GetMap&layers=ws:layername&bbox=-123.43670607166865%2C48.3956835%2C-123.2539813%2C48.5128362547052&width=1536&height=984&srs=EPSG%3A4326&styles=&format=geopkg" \
-o wms.gpkg

Using WMS 1.3.0 to access tiled image geopkg:

curl "http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms?service=WMS&version=1.3.0&request=GetMap&layers=ws:layername&bbox=48.3956835,-123.43670607166865,48.5128362547052,-123.2539813&width=768&height=492&srs=EPSG%3A4326&styles=&format=geopkg" \
-o wms.gpkg

You can use format=geopkg, format=geopackage, or format=gpkg as the output format in the request. Use WMS version=1.1.0, or version=1.3.0 to specify which WMS version to use, keeping in mind axis order for bbox differences.


Regardless of WMS axis order used for bbox the resulting GeoPackages always have the ordinates in X,Y (EAST_NORTH) order as required by the specification.

WMS Format options

You can also add format options (format_options=param1:value1;param2:value2;...) to the request. With all default values, you will get a GeoPackage with PNG tiles of multiple resolutions. There will be a little more than 255 total tiles - all occupying the area in the request's bbox.




Grid Zoom level for tiles to start.

default: zoom level based on a single tile covering the bbox area.


Grid Zoom level for tiles to end.

default: zoom where there's >255 tiles in total in the geopkg (could be a bit more)


Number of zoom levels in the geopkg.

If present then max_zoom = min_zoom + num_zooms


Format for the image tiles in the geopkg.

default: PNG


Name of tile set ("layer") used in the geopkg.

default: based on the layer names given in the request ('_' separated)


First column number (from the gridset) to use.

default: use request bbox to determine which tiles to produce


Last column number (from the gridset) to use.

default: use request bbox to determine which tiles to produce


First row number (from the gridset) to use.

default: use request bbox to determine which tiles to produce


Last row number (from the gridset) to use.

default: use request bbox to determine which tiles to produce


Name of the gridset (from GWC GridSetBroker) to uses.

default: find based on request SRS


Do NOT set.

default: TRUE (required for GeoPackage - The tile coordinate (0,0) always refers to the tile in the upper left corner of the tile matrix\...)