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GeoServer does not come built-in with support for Db2; it must be installed through an extension. Proceed to Installing the Db2 extension for installation details.

The Db2 spatial support implements the OGC specification "Simple Features for SQL using types and functions" and the ISO "SQL/MM Part 3 Spatial" standard. When installing Db2 on Linux, Unix and Windows platforms, the "custom" option must be selected and the server spatial support included.

A free of charge copy of Db2 can be downloaded from

Installing the Db2 extension


Due to licensing requirements, not all files are included with the extension. To install Db2 support, it is necessary to download additional files. Just installing the Db2 extension will have no effect.

GeoServer files

  1. From the download page locate the release of GeoServer you are running and download the Db2 extension: (nightly


    Ensure to match plugin (example 2.24.2 above) version to the version of the GeoServer instance.

  2. Extract the contents of the archive into the WEB-INF/lib directory of the GeoServer installation.

Required external files

The Db2 JDBC driver is not packaged with the GeoServer extension: db2jcc4.jar. This file should be available in the java subdirectory of your Db2 installation directory. Copy this file to the WEB-INF/lib directory of the GeoServer installation.

After all GeoServer files and external files have been downloaded and copied, restart GeoServer.

Adding a Db2 data store

When properly installed, Db2 will be an option in the Vector Data Sources list when creating a new data store.

Db2 in the list of raster data stores

Configuring a Db2 data store

Configuring a Db2 data store

Configuring a Db2 data store with JNDI

Notes on usage

Db2 schema, table, and column names are all case-sensitive when working with GeoTools/GeoServer. When working with Db2 scripts and the Db2 command window, the default is to treat these names as upper-case unless enclosed in double-quote characters but this is not the case in GeoServer.