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Coordinate Operations

Coordinate operations are used to convert coordinates from a source CRS to a target CRS.

If source and target CRSs are referred to a different datum, a datum transform has to be applied. Datum transforms are not exact, they are determined empirically. For the same pair of CRS, there can be many datum transforms and versions, each one with its own domain of validity and an associated transform error. Given a CRS pair, GeoServer will automatically pick the most accurate datum transform from the EPSG database, unless a custom operation is declared.

Reprojection Console

The reprojection console (available in Demos) lets you quickly test coordinate operations. Use it to convert a single coordinate or WKT geometry, and to see the operation details GeoServer is using. It is also useful to learn by example when you have to Define a custom Coordinate Operation.

Read more about the Reprojection console.

Add Grid Shift Transform files

GeoServer supports NTv2 and NADCON grid shift transforms. Grid files are not shipped out with GeoServer. They need to be downloaded, usually from your National Mapping Agency website.


Grid Shift files are only valid in the specific geographic domain for which they where made; trying to transform coordinates outside this domain will result in no trasformation at all. Make sure that the Grid Shift files are valid in the area you want to transform.

  1. Search for the Grid File Name(s) int the tables below, which are extracted from EPSG version 7.9.0. If you need to use a Grid Shift transform not declared in EPSG, you will need to Define a custom Coordinate Operation.
  2. Get the Grid File(s) from your National Mapping Agency (NTv2) or the US National Geodetic Survey (NADCON).
  3. Copy the Grid File(s) in the user_projections directory inside your data directory.
  4. Use the Reprojection Console to test the new transform.

List of available Grid Shift transforms

The list of Grid Shift transforms declared in EPSG version 7.9.0 is:


Source CRS Target CRS Grid File Name Source Info
4122 4326 NB7783v2.gsb OGP
4122 4326 NS778301.gsb OGP
4122 4326 PE7783V2.gsb OGP
4122 4617 NB7783v2.gsb New Brunswick Geographic Information Corporation land and water information standards manual.
4122 4617 NS778301.gsb Nova Scotia Geomatics Centre - Contact or telephone 902-667-6409
4122 4617 PE7783V2.gsb PEI Department of Transportation & Public Works
4149 4150 CHENyx06a.gsb Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo;
4149 4151 CHENyx06_ETRS.gsb Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo;
4149 4258 CHENyx06_ETRS.gsb Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo;
4149 4326 CHENyx06_ETRS.gsb IOGP
4171 4275 rgf93_ntf.gsb ESRI
4202 4283 A66 National (13.09.01).gsb GDA Technical Manual.
4202 4283 SEAust_21_06_00.gsb Office of Surveyor General Victoria;
4202 4283 nt_0599.gsb GDA Technical Manual.
4202 4283 tas_1098.gsb
4202 4283 vic_0799.gsb Office of Surveyor General Victoria;
4202 4326 A66 National (13.09.01).gsb OGP
4203 4283 National 84 (02.07.01).gsb GDA Technical Manual.
4203 4283 wa_0700.gsb Department of Land Information, Government of Western Australia;
4203 4326 National 84 (02.07.01).gsb OGP
4207 4258 DLx_ETRS89_geo.gsb Instituto Geografico Portugues;
4225 4326 CA7072_003.gsb OGP
4225 4674 CA7072_003.gsb IBGE.
4230 4258 100800401.gsb Geodesy Unit, Cartographic Institute of Catalonia (ICC);
4230 4258 SPED2ETV2.gsb Instituto Geográfico Nacional,
4230 4326 SPED2ETV2.gsb OGP
4258 4275 rgf93_ntf.gsb OGP
4267 4269 NTv2_0.gsb
4267 4269 QUE27-83.gsb Geodetic Service of Quebec. Contact
4267 4326 NTv2_0.gsb OGP
4267 4326 QUE27-98.gsb OGP
4267 4326 SK27-98.gsb OGP
4267 4617 NB2783v2.gsb "Generation of a NAD27-NAD83(CSRS) NTv2-type Grid Shift File for New Brunswick", Marcelo C. Santos and Carlos A. Garcia, Department of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, University of New Brunswick, October, 2011 via Service New Brunswick.
4267 4617 QUE27-98.gsb Geodetic Service of Quebec. Contact
4267 4617 SK27-98.gsb Dir Geodetic Surveys; SaskGeomatics Div.; Saskatchewan Property Management Company.
4269 4326 AB_CSRS.DAC OGP
4269 4326 NAD83-98.gsb OGP
4269 4326 SK83-98.gsb OGP
4269 4617 AB_CSRS.DAC Geodetic Control Section; Land and Forest Svc; Alberta Environment;
4269 4617 NAD83-98.gsb Geodetic Service of Quebec. Contact
4269 4617 SK83-98.gsb Dir Geodetic Surveys; SaskGeomatics Div.; Saskatchewan Property Management Company.
4272 4167 nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb Land Information New Zealand: LINZS25000 Standard for New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000; 16 November 2007.
4272 4326 nzgd2kgrid0005.gsb OGP
4274 4258 D73_ETRS89_geo.gsb Instituto Geografico Portugues;
4277 4258 OSTN02_NTv2.gsb Ordnance Survey of Great Britain,
4277 4258 OSTN15_NTv2_OSGBtoETRS.gsb Ordnance Survey of Great Britain.
4277 4326 OSTN02_NTv2.gsb OGP
4277 4326 OSTN15_NTv2_OSGBtoETRS.gsb IOGP
4283 7844 COCOS_C_V1.gsb GDA2020 Technical Manual (
4283 7844 GDA94_GDA2020_conformal.gsb GDA2020 Technical Manual and ICSM Datum Technical Fact Sheet TN1 (
4283 7844 GDA94_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion.gsb GDA2020 Technical Manual and ICSM Datum Technical Fact Sheet TN1 (
4283 7844 XMAS_C_V1.gsb GDA2020 Technical Manual (
4289 4258 rdtrans2008.gsb Kadaster and Rijkswaterstaat CIV, working together under the name RDNAP.
4300 4258 tm75_etrs89.gsb ESRI Ireland.
4300 4326 tm75_etrs89.gsb OGP
4301 4612 tky2jgd.gsb ESRI
4301 6668 tky2jgd.gsb OGP
4312 4258 AT_GIS_GRID.gsb Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying (BEV);
4313 4258 bd72lb72_etrs89lb08.gsb IGN Brussels
4314 4258 BETA2007.gsb BKG via EuroGeographics
4314 4326 BETA2007.gsb OGP
4326 4275 rgf93_ntf.gsb OGP
4608 4269 May76v20.gsb Geodetic Survey of Canada
4608 4326 May76v20.gsb OGP
4609 4269 CGQ77-83.gsb Geodetic Service of Quebec. Contact
4609 4326 CGQ77-98.gsb OGP
4609 4617 CGQ77-98.gsb Geodetic Service of Quebec. Contact
4612 6668 touhokutaiheiyouoki2011.gsb ESRI
4618 4326 SAD69_003.gsb OGP
4618 4674 SAD69_003.gsb IBGE.
4745 4258 NTv2_SN.gsb Saxony State Spatial Data and Land Survey Corporation (GeoSN).
4745 4326 BETA2007.gsb OGP
4746 4326 BETA2007.gsb OGP
4749 4644 RGNC1991_NEA74Noumea.gsb ESRI
4749 4662 RGNC1991_IGN72GrandeTerre.gsb ESRI
5524 4326 CA61_003.gsb OGP
5524 4674 CA61_003.gsb IBGE.
5527 4326 SAD96_003.gsb OGP
5527 4674 SAD96_003.gsb IBGE.


Source CRS Target CRS Version Latitude shift file Longitude shift file
4135 4269 NGS-Usa HI hawaii.las hawaii.los
4136 4269 NGS-Usa AK StL stlrnc.las stlrnc.los
4137 4269 NGS-Usa AK StP stpaul.las stpaul.los
4138 4269 NGS-Usa AK StG stgeorge.las stgeorge.los
4139 4269 NGS-PRVI prvi.las prvi.los
4169 4152 NGS-Asm E eshpgn.las eshpgn.los
4169 4152 NGS-Asm W wshpgn.las wshpgn.los
4267 4269 NGS-Usa AK alaska.las alaska.los
4267 4269 NGS-Usa Conus conus.las conus.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa AL alhpgn.las alhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa AR arhpgn.las arhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa AZ azhpgn.las azhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa CA n cnhpgn.las cnhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa CO cohpgn.las cohpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa CA s cshpgn.las cshpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa ID MT e emhpgn.las emhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa TX e ethpgn.las ethpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa FL flhpgn.las flhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa GA gahpgn.las gahpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa HI hihpgn.las hihpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa IA iahpgn.las iahpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa IL ilhpgn.las ilhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa IN inhpgn.las inhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa KS kshpgn.las kshpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa KY kyhpgn.las kyhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa LA lahpgn.las lahpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa DE MD mdhpgn.las mdhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa ME mehpgn.las mehpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa MI mihpgn.las mihpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa MN mnhpgn.las mnhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa MO mohpgn.las mohpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa MS mshpgn.las mshpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa NE nbhpgn.las nbhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa NC nchpgn.las nchpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa ND ndhpgn.las ndhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa NewEng nehpgn.las nehpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa NJ njhpgn.las njhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa NM nmhpgn.las nmhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa NV nvhpgn.las nvhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa NY nyhpgn.las nyhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa OH ohhpgn.las ohhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa OK okhpgn.las okhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa PA pahpgn.las pahpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-PRVI pvhpgn.las pvhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa SC schpgn.las schpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa SD sdhpgn.las sdhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa TN tnhpgn.las tnhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa UT uthpgn.las uthpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa VA vahpgn.las vahpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa WI wihpgn.las wihpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa ID MT w wmhpgn.las wmhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa OR WA wohpgn.las wohpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa TX w wthpgn.las wthpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa WV wvhpgn.las wvhpgn.los
4269 4152 NGS-Usa WY wyhpgn.las wyhpgn.los
4675 4152 NGS-Gum guhpgn.las guhpgn.los
8351 4156 UGKK-Svk Slovakia_JTSK03_to_JTSK.LAS.las Slovakia_JTSK03_to_JTSK.LAS.los
8351 4156 UGKK-Svk Slovakia_JTSK03_to_JTSK.LOS.las Slovakia_JTSK03_to_JTSK.LOS.los

Define a custom Coordinate Operation

Custom Coordinate Operations are defined in file. This file has to be placed into the user_projections directory, inside your data directory (create it if it doesn't exist).

Each line in will describe a coordinate operation consisting of a source CRS, a target CRS, and a math transform with its parameter values. Use the following syntax:

<source crs code>,<target crs code>=<WKT math transform>

Math transform is described in Well-Known Text syntax. Parameter names and value ranges are described in the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry.


Use the Reprojection Console to learn from example and to test your custom definitions.


Custom NTv2 file:

4230,4258=PARAM_MT["NTv2", \
  PARAMETER["Latitude and longitude difference file", "100800401.gsb"]]

Geocentric transformation, preceded by an ellipsoid to geocentric conversion, and back geocentric to ellipsoid. The results is a concatenation of three math transforms:

4230,4258=CONCAT_MT[ \
  PARAM_MT["Ellipsoid_To_Geocentric", \
    PARAMETER["dim", 2], \
    PARAMETER["semi_major", 6378388.0], \
    PARAMETER["semi_minor", 6356911.9461279465]], \
  PARAM_MT["Position Vector transformation (geog2D domain)", \
    PARAMETER["dx", -116.641], \
    PARAMETER["dy", -56.931], \
    PARAMETER["dz", -110.559], \
    PARAMETER["ex", 0.8925078166311858], \
    PARAMETER["ey", 0.9207660950870382], \
    PARAMETER["ez", -0.9166407989620964], \
    PARAMETER["ppm", -3.5200000000346066]], \
  PARAM_MT["Geocentric_To_Ellipsoid", \
    PARAMETER["dim", 2], \
    PARAMETER["semi_major", 6378137.0], \
    PARAMETER["semi_minor", 6356752.314140356]]]

You can make use of existing grid shift files such as this explicit transformation from NAD27 to WGS84 made up of a NADCON transform from NAD27 to NAD83 followed by a Molodenski transform converting from the GRS80 Ellipsoid (used by NAD83) to the WGS84 Ellipsoid:

4267,4326=CONCAT_MT[ \
    PARAMETER["Latitude difference file", "conus.las"], \
    PARAMETER["Longitude difference file", "conus.los"]], \
  PARAM_MT["Molodenski", \
    PARAMETER["dim", 2], \
    PARAMETER["dx", 0.0], \
    PARAMETER["dy", 0.0], \
    PARAMETER["dz", 0.0], \
    PARAMETER["src_semi_major", 6378137.0], \
    PARAMETER["src_semi_minor", 6356752.314140356], \
    PARAMETER["tgt_semi_major", 6378137.0], \
    PARAMETER["tgt_semi_minor", 6356752.314245179]]]

Affine 2D transform operating directly in projected coordinates:

23031,25831=PARAM_MT["Affine", \
  PARAMETER["num_row", 3], \
  PARAMETER["num_col", 3], \
  PARAMETER["elt_0_0", 1.0000015503712145], \
  PARAMETER["elt_0_1", 0.00000758753979846734], \
  PARAMETER["elt_0_2", -129.549], \
  PARAMETER["elt_1_0", -0.00000758753979846734], \
  PARAMETER["elt_1_1", 1.0000015503712145], \
  PARAMETER["elt_1_2", -208.185]]

Each operation can be described in a single line, or can be split in several lines for readability, adding a backslash "\" at the end of each line, as in the former examples.