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S3 Support for GeoTiff

Support for GeoTiffs hosted on Amazon S3 or on other Amazon S3 compatible services, via a custom GeoTools GridFormat.

What's in the Box?

  • org.geotools.s3.geotiff: S3 GeoTiff Format/FormatFactory/GridCoverage2dReader implementations based off of the GeoTiff versions. Only very minor changes to their parent classes.
  • org.geotools.s3.cache: Very basic caching of images from S3 based off of EhCache.
  • S3ImageInputStreamImpl: An implementation of ImageInputStream from JAI for reading imagery from S3. This class mainly contains the logic of stream position and chunking, while the cache package handles the actual S3 reads.

GeoTiffs hosted on Amazon S3


Almost all configuration is currently done via system properties. For caching configuration, please see the class org.geotools.s3.cache.CacheConfig.


S3GeoTiff uses s3:// style URLs to operate. The only twist is that S3GeoTiff uses query string parameters to configure certain parameters

  • awsRegion: Controls the region to use when connecting. Needs to be in Java enum format eg. US_WEST_2
  • useAnon: Controls whether to authenticate anonymously. This needs to be used to connect anonymous buckets

For example:



Unless S3_USE_ANON is set to true the default AWS client credential chain is used.

GeoTiffs hosted on other Amazon S3 compatible services

Access geotiffs on S3 servers not hosted on Amazon, e.g. or other. There are 2 steps to access the geofiff files. configure the server in the file and then you can use the prefix as an alias to access the file in the S3GeoTiff module for geoserver.


The S3 endpoints are configured in the file. The following properties are needed for each endpoint. The prefix alias can be any value you choose in order to configure multiple endpoints.


Using the above configuration in the file, the files on the S3 service can be accessed with the following URL style configuration in geoserver:


  • alias: The prefix you choose for the configuration of the endpoint
  • bucketname: The path to the folder where the geotiffs are stored
  • filename.tif: The name of the geotiff file