OGC API - Coverages
A OGC API - Coverages based on an earlier specification draft, delivering partial functionality:
- Collection listing
- Download in the same formats supported by WCS
- Spatial and temporal subsetting
- Mosaic index filtering (GeoServer extension)
- Domain set description in JSON
Missing functionality at the time of writing, and known issues:
- Full coverage JSON support
- Scaling
- CRS transformation
OGC API - Coverages Implementation status
OGC API - Coverages | Version | Implementation status |
Part 1: Core | Draft | Implementation based on early specification draft, not yet updated to final version |
Installing the GeoServer OGC API - Coverages module
Download the OGC API nightly GeoServer community module from geoserver-2.24-SNAPSHOT-ogcapi-coverages-plugin.zip.
Verify that the version number in the filename corresponds to the version of GeoServer you are running (for example geoserver-2.24.2-ogcapi-coverages-plugin.zip above).
Extract the contents of the archive into the
directory of the GeoServer installation. -
On restart the services are listed at http://localhost:8080/geoserver
Configuration of OGC API - Covearges module
The module is based on the GeoServer WCS one, follows the same configuration and exposes the same coverages.