JWT Headers
The JWT Headers module provides a security module for header based security. This provides much more advanced functionality than the HTTP Header Authentication Module (see Configuring HTTP Header Proxy Authentication).
This module allows JSON-based headers (for username and roles) as well as JWT-based headers (for username and roles). It also allows for validating JWT-Based AccessTokens (i.e. via OAUTH2/OpenID Connect).
If you are using something like Apache's mod_auth_openidc, then this module will allow you to;
- Get the username from an Apache-provided
header (either as simple-strings or as a component of a JSON object). - Get the user's roles from an Apache-provided
header (as a component of a JSON object). - The user's roles can also be from any of the standard GeoServer providers (i.e. User Group Service, Role Service, or Request Header).
If you are using OAUTH2/OIDC Access Tokens:
- Get the username from the attached JWT Access Token (via a path into the Access Token's JSON Claims).
- Get the user's roles from the JWT Access Token (via a path into the Token's JSON Claims).
- Validate the Access Token
- Validate its Signature
- Validate that it hasn't expired
- Validate the token against a token verifier URL ("userinfo_endpoint") and check that subjects match
- Validate components of the Access Token (like aud (audience))
- The user's roles can also be from any of the standard GeoServer providers (i.e. User Group Service, Role Service, or Request Header).
- You can also extract roles from the JWT Access Token (via a JSON path).