Features Templatring Rest API
The Features Templating Rest API allows performing CRUD operation over Features Templates and Template Layer Rules.
Template Configuration
Finds all templates in the global (features-templating
) directory or creates a new template in the global directory.
Method | Consumes | Produces | Action | Supported parameters | Response |
GET | - | application/xml , application/json . |
List of all the templates available in the features-templating directory. |
- | 200 . List of rules in XML or JSON. |
POST | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json , application/xhtml+xml , application/zip . |
text/plain . |
Add the template in the request body (text or zip file) as a new Template in the features-templating directory. |
templateName (mandatory when posting a raw template, optional when posting a zip file) | 201 . Created Location header. |
/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featurestemplates
Finds all templates in the workspace
directory or creates a new template in the workspace
Method | Consumes | Produces | Action | Supported parameters | Response |
GET | - | application/xml , application/json . |
List of all the templates available in the workspace directory |
- | 200 . List of rules in XML or JSON. |
POST | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json , application/xhtml+xml , application/zip . |
text/plain . |
Add the template in the request body (text or zip file) as a new Template in the workspace directory. |
templateName (mandatory when posting a raw template, optional when posting a zip file) | 201 . Created Location header. |
/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/featurestemplates
Finds all templates in the featuretype
directory or creates a new template in the featuretype
- Method
Supported parameters
, application/xml.List of all the templates available in the
. List of rules in XML or JSON.
.Add the template in the request body (text or zip file) as a new Template in the
Feature Type
directory.templateName (mandatory when posting a raw template, optional when posting a zip file)
. CreatedLocation
/rest/featurestemplates/<template name>
If the template with the specified name exists in the global (features-templating
) directory, returns the template or replaces the template content with the one in the request body.
Method | Consumes | Produces | Action | Response |
GET | application/xml , application/json , application/xhtml+xml . |
the template with the specified name if present in the features-templating directory. |
200 . The template. |
PUT | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json , application/xhtml+xml , application/zip . |
text/plain . |
replace the template, if found in the features-templating directory with the template in the request body (text or zip file). |
201 . |
DELETE | delete the template, if found in the features-templating directory. |
204 . |
/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featurestemplates/<template name>
If the template with the specified name exists in the workspace
directory, returns the template or replaces the template content with the one in the request body.
Method | Consumes | Produces | Action | Response |
GET | application/xml , application/json , application/xhtml+xml . |
the template with the specified name if present in the workspace directory. |
200 . The template. |
PUT | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json , application/xhtml+xml , application/zip . |
text/plain . |
replace the existing template, if found in the workspace directory with the template in the request body (text or zip file). |
201 . |
DELETE | delete the template, if found in the workspace directory. |
204 . |
/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/featurestemplates/<template name>
If the template with the specified name exists in the featuretype
directory, returns the template or replaces the template content with the one in the request body.
Method | Consumes | Produces | Action | Response |
GET | application/xml , application/json , application/xhtml+xml . |
the template with the specified name if present in the featuretype directory. |
200 . The template. |
PUT | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json , application/xhtml+xml , application/zip . |
text/plain . |
replace the existing template, if found in the featuretype directory with the template in the request body (text or zip file). |
201 . |
DELETE | delete the template, if found in the featuretype directory. |
204 . |
Template Rule Configuration
/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/templaterules
Finds all the configured template rules for the featuretype
or creates a new one.
Method | Consumes | Produces | Action | Response |
GET | application/xml , application/json. |
List of all the template rules available for the featuretype . |
200 . List of rules in XML or JSON. |
POST | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json . |
text/plain . |
Add the template rule in the request body. | 201 . Created Location header. |
/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/templaterules/<rule identifier>
Finds, replaces, updates or deletes the template rule with the specified identifier.
Method | Consumes | Produces | Action | Response |
GET | application/xml , application/json. |
The rule with the specified rule identifier . |
200 . List of rules in XML or JSON. |
PUT | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json . |
text/plain . |
Replace the rule with the specified id with the one provided in the request body. | 201 . |
PATCH | application/xml , text/xml , application/json , text/json . |
text/plain . |
Allows partial updates of the rule with the specified id using the fields specified in the rule provided in the request body. It uses a JSON merge patch like strategy | 201 . |
DELETE | Delete the rule with the specified id. | 204 . |
Data Object Transfer
Both XML and JSON are supported for transfer of data objects.
Encoding of a template rule in XML:
Encoding of a rule in JSON:
{"Rule": {"ruleId":..,"priority":..,"templateName":"..","outputFormat":"..","cqlFilter":"..","profileFilter":".."}}
When applying partial updates missing attributes/element in incoming object are left unchanged. Properties can be set to null. E.g. the following example will allow to set the profileFilter to null: