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Features Templatring Rest API


The Features Templating Rest API allows performing CRUD operation over Features Templates and Template Layer Rules.

Template Configuration


Finds all templates in the global (features-templating) directory or creates a new template in the global directory.

Method Consumes Produces Action Supported parameters Response
GET - application/xml, application/json. List of all the templates available in the features-templating directory. - 200. List of rules in XML or JSON.
POST application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json, application/xhtml+xml, application/zip. text/plain. Add the template in the request body (text or zip file) as a new Template in the features-templating directory. templateName (mandatory when posting a raw template, optional when posting a zip file) 201. Created Location header.

/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featurestemplates

Finds all templates in the workspace directory or creates a new template in the workspace directory.

Method Consumes Produces Action Supported parameters Response
GET - application/xml, application/json. List of all the templates available in the workspace directory - 200. List of rules in XML or JSON.
POST application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json, application/xhtml+xml, application/zip. text/plain. Add the template in the request body (text or zip file) as a new Template in the workspace directory. templateName (mandatory when posting a raw template, optional when posting a zip file) 201. Created Location header.

/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/featurestemplates

Finds all templates in the featuretype directory or creates a new template in the featuretype directory.





Supported parameters



application/json, application/xml.

List of all the templates available in the featuretype directory

200. List of rules in XML or JSON.


application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json, application/xhtml+xml, application/zip.


Add the template in the request body (text or zip file) as a new Template in the Feature Type directory.

templateName (mandatory when posting a raw template, optional when posting a zip file)

201. Created Location header.

/rest/featurestemplates/<template name>

If the template with the specified name exists in the global (features-templating) directory, returns the template or replaces the template content with the one in the request body.

Method Consumes Produces Action Response
GET application/xml, application/json, application/xhtml+xml. the template with the specified name if present in the features-templating directory. 200. The template.
PUT application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json, application/xhtml+xml, application/zip. text/plain. replace the template, if found in the features-templating directory with the template in the request body (text or zip file). 201.
DELETE delete the template, if found in the features-templating directory. 204.

/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featurestemplates/<template name>

If the template with the specified name exists in the workspace directory, returns the template or replaces the template content with the one in the request body.

Method Consumes Produces Action Response
GET application/xml, application/json, application/xhtml+xml. the template with the specified name if present in the workspace directory. 200. The template.
PUT application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json, application/xhtml+xml, application/zip. text/plain. replace the existing template, if found in the workspace directory with the template in the request body (text or zip file). 201.
DELETE delete the template, if found in the workspace directory. 204.

/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/featurestemplates/<template name>

If the template with the specified name exists in the featuretype directory, returns the template or replaces the template content with the one in the request body.

Method Consumes Produces Action Response
GET application/xml, application/json, application/xhtml+xml. the template with the specified name if present in the featuretype directory. 200. The template.
PUT application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json, application/xhtml+xml, application/zip. text/plain. replace the existing template, if found in the featuretype directory with the template in the request body (text or zip file). 201.
DELETE delete the template, if found in the featuretype directory. 204.

Template Rule Configuration

/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/templaterules

Finds all the configured template rules for the featuretype or creates a new one.

Method Consumes Produces Action Response
GET application/xml, application/json. List of all the template rules available for the featuretype. 200. List of rules in XML or JSON.
POST application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json. text/plain. Add the template rule in the request body. 201. Created Location header.

/rest/workspaces/<workspace name>/featuretypes/<featureType name>/templaterules/<rule identifier>

Finds, replaces, updates or deletes the template rule with the specified identifier.

Method Consumes Produces Action Response
GET application/xml, application/json. The rule with the specified rule identifier. 200. List of rules in XML or JSON.
PUT application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json. text/plain. Replace the rule with the specified id with the one provided in the request body. 201.
PATCH application/xml, text/xml, application/json, text/json. text/plain. Allows partial updates of the rule with the specified id using the fields specified in the rule provided in the request body. It uses a JSON merge patch like strategy 201.
DELETE Delete the rule with the specified id. 204.

Data Object Transfer

Both XML and JSON are supported for transfer of data objects.

Encoding of a template rule in XML:


Encoding of a rule in JSON:

{"Rule": {"ruleId":..,"priority":..,"templateName":"..","outputFormat":"..","cqlFilter":"..","profileFilter":".."}}

When applying partial updates missing attributes/element in incoming object are left unchanged. Properties can be set to null. E.g. the following example will allow to set the profileFilter to null:


  <profileFilter xsi:nil="true"/>

